
Fun Springtime Crafts for the Kids

Fun Springtime Crafts for the Kids

Spring has sprung! It’s time to open the windows and let that fresh air in! It’s time for flowers to start blooming! And to celebrate the return of color, Small Hands Big Dreams Learning Centers would like to share with you some colorful and cool springtime crafts to brighten up your day!

About Me Rainbows

What You’ll Need:

  • White, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (purple if you don’t have indigo or violet) construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers


  1. Cut your cloud shape from the white paper
  2. Have your child put their name on the cloud
  3. Cut wide strips out of the colored paper
  4. Have your child write a fact about them on each strip
  5. Let your child glue the strips to the cloud

Paper Clip Butterflies

What you’ll need:

  • Beads
  • Clothespin
  • 2 Pipe cleaners


  1. Tie one bead to the end of each pipe cleaner to keep them from falling off
  2. Fill half the pipe cleaner with beads
  3. Weave the pipe cleaners through the clothespin to make the wings

Rainbow Hot Air Balloons

What you’ll need:

  • Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and brown construction paper
  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Glue, stapler, or tape


  1. Cut 2 long strips of each color to make the balloon, leaving out the brown paper
  2. Fan out each strip so one end of each strip is in a stack
  3. Staple or fasten that stack to make the top of the balloon
  4. Gently bend each strip so that they are all in another stack
  5. Staple or fasten the stack to make the bottom
  6. Cut out a thicker strip of brown paper
  7. Fold the brown paper into a square, and tape the two ends together
  8. Attack for short pieces of yarn to each corner of the square
  9. Tie them to the bottom of the balloon

Grass Heads

Grass Heads

What you’ll need:

  • Knee high stocking
  • Grass Seed
  • Dirt
  • Googly eyes
  • Glue


  1. Place grass seed into stocking
  2. Fill the stocking with dirt
  3. Draw a silly face and or glue on googly eyes
  4. Place grass head where it will get sun
  5. Water as needed

Fork Flowers

What you’ll need:

  • Plastic forks
  • Paint
  • Paper


  1. Have children dip forks into different color paint and make prints on the paper
  2. Once they’ve painted the paper full of fork prints, have them paint the flowers stem on

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